"The View" with Cynthia

Cynthia continues her mission to become the next new co-host on ABC's "The View".

Monday, November 13, 2006


I have gone to Paris (France, not Texas) to re-think my strategy to become the next new host on "The View".
I will return on 11/20/06 to report my progress...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It was recently suggested that I include information about the community service activities I have particpated in over the years. Below are the ones that I can easily recall. I'm sure I have plaques and certificates for other things, but this is a good start...

Community Activities
1980-1990: West Florida Advertising Council, Addy Awards Event Chairman, Board Member.

1990-2000: Baptist Hospital's Women's Board, President and Fashion Show chairman;
Florida's Junior Miss, Board Member; United Way Communications Chairman, Art Against Aids Contributing Artist. Rotarian (First Female Sunshine).

2000-2005: American Heart Association Heart Ball Decorations Committee; Art Against Aids Event Committee and Contributing Artist; Baptist Hospital's Women's Board, Past President and Committee Member; Pensacola Opera's Professional Women's Board; Rotarian.

Current: Rotarian, District Communications Chairman. NW Florida Heartwalk Committee, Baptist Hospital's Women's Board. Pensacola Opera's Professional Women's Board.

(My Service as a Rotarian includes: cooking breakfast for the homeless (Loaves & Fishes) a couple of times a month; and ringing the bell at Christmas for the Salvation Army. I tried working on a Habitat House but found I was more of a hazard than a help).

Monday, September 18, 2006

Yippee! One Step Closer to "The View"

This morning, I checked my e-mail and there was a message from Kathy D at Channel 3 (our local ABC affiliate). The e-mail said simply, "Call me". I was both scared and ecstatic. Did this mean that she was able to get tickets (VIP passes) to "The View"? Was I one more step closer to a place on the couch? Or did it mean that my last desperate plea was still just that...desperate?

I dialed the main number, played telephone roulette guessing the appropriate extension and after just one ring I felt my destiny was held in the balance. She answered, "Hello." Her tone was cheerful. Not the tone used when one is having a bad hair day. Maybe...just maybe, she has good news. Oh, please, please, please...

"Hey girl, this is Cynthia. So, are you ready for me to clean your office?" This has been kind of a running joke between us. A few weeks ago, after making my initial request, Kathy had to break the news to me that corporate had changed the rules and decided that only ABC employees would be issued VIP passes. "No, problem," I said, "You can hire me and then I'll clean your office!"

She giggled and said that while her office definitely needed some help, she got the "Go" from Wally to request my VIP pass to "The View" and wanted to verify the date with me. She told him that I had a local show and that we had been friends for a long time and she really wanted do what she could to try and get the passes. She was clicking away on her keyboard as we chatted and she told me she had one condition, "Now Cindy, we've known each other a long time and I cannot stress to you how important it is that you NOT pitch anything while you're up there. You have to promise me you will NOT pitch anything."

I tried to remain calm and replied "Don't worry Kathy, I promise I'll be good. I won't do anything stupid. I promise I won't tell them that this is all part of my master plan to become the next new co-host on "The View"."

I was so excited I'm surprised I didn't pinky swear and offer her my first born. Thank God, my first born is now 16 and the baby factory has been shut down for some time now. As she hit the "Send" button she said that she would let me know as soon as she had word on availability. I told her that I was sending out my positive energy, would cross my figures and wait to hear from her.

As soon as we said our goodbyes and the phones clicked off, I immediately did my personal booty dance of joy and squealed (eeeeeee!!) with delight. (...I have got to make a hair appointment Pronto!)

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th

Today everyone asks, "Where were you when it happened?"... Driving to work, taking the kids to school, working out, at the dentist's office, at the grocery store... Kind of like when Bobby Kennedy died, when the space shuttle crashed, when the Alfred P. Murrah Building was bombed in Oklahoma City, or even when Hurricane Katrina fell on the lowlands of the Gulf Coast. All moments that make us take pause; and reflect on our past, the present and our future as a free people and as fragile human beings.

I don't want to understand the reason why there are people out there who somehow find honor in killing innocent people. Because to try to understand the unthinkable means that it may have some morsel of integrity. In my world, this vile act has no integrity. Yes, it exists, but understanding will not make it go away. Do I sound intolerant? Do I sound like a zealot? No, I think I sound like a reasonable person whose only fear (today) is of the chaos that seeps into our society to punish us for our freedoms.

To forget this day would only bring us closer to reliving it again. Today and everyday we should all be thankful for our lives, our family, our freedoms and our country.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm Not Giving Up

I haven't written in a couple of days, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. Yesterday, I went to Kinkos and approved the proof for my PR card. It has my lovely photo and my blog info on it.

So, here's the latest...
I finally heard from my friend Peggy D. If you remember, I was certain that she knew Nora Ephron... (my 1 degree from Barbara Walters). Well as it turns out, I was wrong. Peggy D is good friends with Anna Phalen (remember "Mask" with Cher). I guess it was my brain using it's dyslexsic memory with a dash of hopeful optimism that made me remember her as Nora Ephron. Of course, if you say the two names, they both roll off your tongue with a lovely lyrical lilt.

Maybe Nora and Peggy D would be great friends. Maybe they knew each other in another life??Maybe they both know Shirley McLean... Oh, well, I digress...

So, I chased another rabbit down the hole. Still no word from my contact at the local ABC affiliate...and in this case, no news is not good news. Yes, she could fabricate my credentials and get me VIP tickets to see The View, but I wouldn't want her to compromise her position. I also don't want to bug her to death. She's a single Mom with a lot of responsibility (been there, done that); so I certainly don't want to add to her stress.

Yesterday, (while in the parking lot at Lowe's) I called Bill Geddie's office and spoke to his assistant. I told her that I had sent up my package and was just calling to follow up. She was very nice and told me that since she had just returned from vacation, the packages received last week were not logged in yet.

I asked her if there was anything I should do at this time, and she told me there really wasn't and that they would start reviewing everyone's tapes in the Fall. I guess the seasons are a little different in NYC than here. For us in LA (lower Alabama, aka Pensacola) Fall begins the Tuesday after Labor Day. We know this is true because we're not supposed to wear white shoes after Labor Day.

So, I guess what I got was basically the "don't call us, we'll call you" standard answer. Unfortunately, I've never been real patient when it comes to reaching my personal goals.
...There must be some more rabbits out there to chase.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cynthia Campfield Blogs for Co-host Seat on ABC's "The View".

So, I decided to use PR 101 and send a press release. You never know what is going to work these days...
Cynthia Campfield Blogs for Co-host Seat on ABC's "The View".
Pensacola, FL, Sept. 2, 2006 - Cynthia Campfield, 47, blogs to launch her campaign to become the next new host on ABC’s "The View". Her website humorously journals her efforts to get an interview with executive producers, Bill Geddie and Barbara Walters.

Cynthia is a straight, white, re-married, female who like many women today has had to reinvent herself a few times to survive. She has experienced both successes and failures in all aspects of her life. Cynthia is a cancer survivor and spent 9 years as a single mom. She has written relationship based weekly columns for both the Pensacola News Journal and the Independent News Weekly. She developed and currently co-hosts a local television program called “Yadda Yadda” on BLAB TV.

When asked why Cynthia wants to be a host on "The View", she responded, "Even at this stage in life, it’s important to set my sites high. Besides, there is a lot of pressure and prejudice associated with Rosie's lead role. They need me to provide balance to the show."

Cynthia’s blog is found at www. Cynthianewhostontheview.blogspot.com


Friday, September 01, 2006

Another Day in Pergatory...

Yesterday, I was presented with a new challenge in my quest to become the Next New Host on The View. As you are aware, September 29th is the day I selected to meet Bill Geddie and the ladies of The View. My strategy? Work with my local ABC affiliate friends to get a VIP backstage pass for the show on Sept. 29th. That way, if the stars weren't aligned and I didn't get a formal interview, I'd at least have the opportunity to meet everyone in person and watch the show live. Not a bad consolation prize. (Maybe they'd vote me Miss Congeniality.)

A little over a month ago, getting the VIP pass with backstage access was "not a problem, just tell me when you want to go". A few weeks ago I requested a specific date... Sept. 29th. This time, the date "shouldn't be a problem, it's far enough out that you should be fine." So, I finalized the date and made arrangements for the trip.

Then came yesterday...and a voice message from my ABC contact saying, "Hey Cindy, uh, give me a call." This was not good. If she had had good news she would have said "Hey girl! I've got your passes! Call me!" I figured I'd rather hear bad news now before my immagination puts some weird spin on it like "They found out you were the "Next New Host on the View" chick with the blog and have ordered a SWAT team to keep you out of the building." But when I called her back, instead of being blackballed from "The View", she told me "Cindy, I've got bad news. They changed the rules for VIP passes. Now, they only issue them to station employees...no exceptions. I've got one other person I can talk to but... here, let me give you this phone number for the ticket request line, maybe you'll have some luck there"

My stomach had that immediate burn usually associated with cheap white wine, "But, but," I stammered", I planned my whole "New Host on The View" campaign strategy around that VIP pass... is there anyone else we can talk to? What if you hire me for a day and I'll come clean your office...I've put so much work into this already..."

When I got off the phone, I immediately made the call to attempt to secure audience tickets. The number was to a voice mailbox. I wasn't getting a warm and fuzzy feeling nor any indication that anything human actually retrieved any messages left at that number. What next?... I tried the website. Unfortunately, at this time they are not taking requests for tickets... sorry for the inconvenience.

Six Degrees of Separation

Yesterday, I was watching The View and one of the guests was Nora Ephron. Yes, THE Nora Ephron. You may not know the name, but you certainly know her work... "Sleepless in Seattle", "When Harry Met Sally", "You've Got Mail", "Meg Ryan".. need I say more?

As I watched her and listened to her banter ... I was mesmerized. Not only does this woman write great movies and books, but she and Barbara are good friends.

Now, let's go back about 12 years... my husband (at the time) EJ was pursuing a career in screenwriting...at least that's what he told me.

A dear friend and co-worker (Peggy D/B) was always supportive and enthusiastic about EJ's talent and she knew Nora. Peggy D/B contacted Ms. Ephron about EJ and his screenwriting endeavor. Ms. Ephron was, in turn, very gracious, helpful and insightful.

When I saw Nora E. on The View, I knew that I was only 2 people away from Barbara Walters!If I go any further I'll probably have to meet Kevin Bacon as well... My plan is to be in NYC on September 29th, so I've got a little more than a month to connect the dots.

I've got to call Robin (my business partner in a previous iteration of this life). Maybe she knows where Peggy is these days. Weird thing is that last night I actually had a dream about Peggy. She was in town decorating Quinn's house. The mind works in mysterious ways...

Fuzzy Flipflops?

So, I'm sitting here at my computer typing away. I'm wearing my gym clothes (to remind me to go and work out) and my fuzzy flipflops. While not exactly fashion forward, these days this is my normal attire for most mornings.

As a single Mom, I never puchased clothes at full retail. Even now, (with an incredibly supportive husband) I feel painfully guilty for even trying on fabulous full price fashions. While my teenage daughter seldom finds anything on sale (except that cute jacket from Hollister she bought last month), I always work my way from the sale racks up. I try to purchase quality pieces that will stay in my closet. I have watched my wardrobe go from fashionable, to retro, to vintage to Halloween costume.

What should I wear when I go to New York? I have never been accused of looking "country come to town", but it's been a while since I've actually had a "job interview". What are my choices? A suit? (the ones in my closet are too tight) A dress? (I'll look like wallpaper with pumps) Something professional, yet with personality? Maybe my new mantra be WWMW ...What Would Meredith Wear?

More on this later ... I have to clean the house.

Special Delivery

This afternoon I sent Bill Geddie (The View Master himself!) my head shot (yes, a current one, wrinkles and all), a couple of Yadda DVD's and my resume. I tried to create a DVD especially for this purpose, but my program kept crashing. This was one of those afternoons that I would have loved to have had my 14-year old stepson's assistance. He makes his own skateboard videos and posts them on U-Tube. His technical expertise was sorely missed.

After hours of frustration, I decided that some things happen for a reason and that I really couldn't waste any more time playing video editor. Of course, the package itself was wrapped up like a lovely present (including a hand tied bow). Not too girly, but still pretty. I know this isn't something that a serious journalist would do, but I believe it shows that I am a creative person and that I have truly thought long and hard about what this all means to me. (It helps that when I was in college, I worked in a gift wrap department during the holidays.)